Learn the inside scoop to video game cheats reviews and previews

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Learn the inside scoop to video game cheats reviews and previews

Learn The Inside Scoop To Video Game Cheats, Reviews And Previews

You know, nobody likes a cheater. But when it comes to discovering video game cheats, "cheating" isn't what you're doing. I prefer to think of it as "discovering shortcuts, tips and tricks," or video game hints.

Video games have gotten so complex, since the days of Rubix Cubix and Donkey Kong, that the game authors have purposely thrown in some back doors and other shortcuts to aid the exhausted players. However there is a problem, most of these back doors are so well hid...



You know, nobody likes a cheater. But when it comes to discovering video game cheats, "cheating" isn't what you're doing. I prefer to think of it as "discovering shortcuts, tips and tricks," or video game hints.

Video games have gotten so complex, since the days of Rubix Cubix and Donkey Kong, that the game authors have purposely thrown in some back doors and other shortcuts to aid the exhausted players. However there is a problem, most of these back doors are so well hidden that these same authors have to leak the game cheats or no one would ever find them on their own.

Video game cheat sheets, codes and game hints are sort of useless if you don't own any video games. Well I'm sure if you have games you probably beat them fast with the aid of cheat sheets, but with online video game stores you can beat more and pay less!

Any web site worth visiting will not only have video game reviews and cheats for you to peruse, but they will also have game walkthroughs. Video game walkthrough


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