Learn to draw dogs

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Learn to draw dogs

Learn To Draw Dogs

Dogs are very lovable creatures. This is why they have become a favourite by artists to draw. There are different ways in which you can draw a dog, since there are also different kinds of dogs out there. However, there are still general factors that you should consider when drawing them. Here are the things you should know if you want to learn to draw dogs.

Drawing A Cartoonish Dog

If youll be teaching children how to draw, one of the best subjects to start with would be a dog. This is because children love dogs and they are quite familiar with how one would look like. For kids, a cartoon dog would be just right.

Basic Body Parts

First you should draw four circles. Put one circle on top of another, overlapping each other by about 1/3. Make the top most circle the smallest and as you go down, make the next circle slightly bigger than the previous. Align them vertically. However place the second circle from the most


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