Learn to draw graffiti letters

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Learn to draw graffiti letters

Learn To Draw Graffiti Letters

Graffiti is commonly thought of as mere public vandalism. However, it is not just that. There is more to it than what meets the eye. It is an art. In fact in some places in the world, there are walls where you can legally put graffiti art. It entails great creativity if you want to learn to draw graffiti letters. However, there is no right way to do it. In this kind of art, you have to develop your own style. Hence, here are some of the basics for you to do so.

Get To Know The Art

It is important that you familiarize yourself with the different graffiti styles. It doesnt matter where you come from or live, for sure there is some graffiti nearby. However, if there arent any, you can try visiting another city. If you cant go on hunting for the real thing, then you could resort to the Internet. Try browsing for different pictures of graffiti art work from different places in the world. This could get you e


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