Learn why you should have a 3 tiered strategy for article submission

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Learn why you should have a 3 tiered strategy for article submission

Learn Why You Should Have A 3-Tiered Strategy For Article Submission

It is easy to simply go with the big dogs and forget the rest, but that is a big mistake. You really need to have a 3-tiered article submission strategy.

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You've heard a lot about how much writing articles can do for your internet marketing strategy. You now understand how writing articles can help position you as an expert in your field, gain valuable targed traffic for your web site, and quickly multiple your site's text links.

Now you have convinced yourself to take the plunge into article marketing and you have a few articles all lined up and ready to submit -- and you are overwhelmed by the sheer volume and variety of article directories available. It is easy to simply go with the big dogs and forget the rest, but that is a big mistake. You really need to have a 3-tiered article submission strategy. Select a couple of the big dogs, but also add some medium-sized directories and some smaller, newer directories to your list for regular submission as we


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