Direct Email Marketing Keeps You Linked To Your Customers
Direct email marketing helps keep your online store in front of prospective customers. A well crafted email marketing campaign can create enough valuable touch points to boost your visitor conversions.
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Direct email marketing is the solution to a very big problem for online retailers. Ask anyone looking at the traffic reports for their online store and they will tell you that nothing drives them more crazy than getting someone to their site (either naturally or through an advertisement) and then seeing them leave. Theyre gone into the abyss that is the online market place, possibly never to return again. At this point theyre pretty much gone. This represents another lost customer, lost revenue, and increased frustration. If only there was some way you could stay linked in with that customer. You know they had some interest in your offering (after all, they ended up at your site in the first place) and maybe their next trip is the one that converts. Introduce a direct email marketing solution as part of your marketing and strategic mix and you might be able to lure those lost patrons back.
Its a proven fact that it can take up to 6 touc
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