Directional learning in soul and self

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Directional learning in soul and self

Directional Learning in Soul and Self

What is directional learning you might ask? Directional learning is a process that allows us to acquire skills, knowledge by developing the abilities to perform new behaviors. In commonplace, most people think that what they learn comes from education and parental guidance. Contrary to these misconceptions, educational programs and parental guidance are often misleading, which means that we ultimately learn from observation, experience and so forth.

In distant education programs, certain methods of instruction are used in various communication technologies to execute teaching to learners in various places, which means that these studies are not learning on commonplace grounds; rather they extend their mind, learning much more.

In remedial education, students go through special training designed to assist them with catching up to desired levels of academic achievement. Sure, these children are building comprehension levels, yet it takes more than remedial education to advance toward learning the soul and self.

So many times, educational programs have let many children down by misguiding them, thus, directional learning is a self-process that we must learn in order to discover the soul and self.

We must build self-reliance to discover who we are. However, man cannot lean upon his own understanding, thus; this means he must put his faith in God and not man. By building your spiritual side and need to worship, you will find many improvements in your life. However, you must seek the truth by asking your higher power to open your eyes. Otherwise, many religious sectors will mislead you. We see this throughout the history of religion examples, which are brought to focus in our day.

We must never put down our freedom to speech, or our freedom to express who we are. For this reason, building convictions backed with facts will make us strong. Of course, a strong mind has comprehensive awareness, which makes it easier to see the next step we must take to discover the soul and self.

We all have the need for endurance. This is notably true, since we see the evidence in articles, people and so forth. Endurance is our staying power. Obviously, we know very few people that want to die. Thus, we all have a need to endure. Therefore, when we reach out and seek out our spiritual side, and work toward discovering the facts, we often find it easier to endure while finding the soul and self. This is our fortitude and survival, which makes us aware and strong.

Of course, we must not forget faith and effort. We note that when a person lacks faith, he often shrinks back feeling depressed. When the mind is depressed, it makes it that much harder to discover the soul and self. Naturally, we all struggle to avert shrinking back into depression, or destruction.

Instead, we all strive to build faith, which helps us to preserve alive the soul. That is your, breathe of life. By recognizing that the soul is our, breathe of life we often strive to maintain health to restore youth. Every single day people are; query others, asking how to restore their youth. Thus, we see faith in the picture, yet works rarely follows. That is many people have grown lazy. Despite that, they feel a need to develop faith, thus they will rarely put forth the effort to build that faith, preserve alive the soul and so forth. Directional learning this is the process of relying on our creator and self, rather than relying on others to direct our path.

Despite that, educational programs are making ways to reform their methods of teaching, these people fall short of completing their goal. So whom do we rely on?


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