directory of driving schools
We are a directory of driving schools etc but we also offer them the chance to have 1st page ranking for 5 of their chosen postcode areas.
Driving schools directory, Driving instructors directory, Driving instructor training, Motorcycle rider training, HGV LGV training schools.
Resources for learner drivers and driving schools are widely available. There are two main sources, the local transport authority as well as the internet. Information can be accessed from both categories easily on safe driving. Catalogues and booklets offering resources are available both at the local transport authority office and on the internet. Some of these resources are also available for free. A fully developed guide for learner drivers and driving schools comes at a price.
The 'Driver's Record', brought out by Driving Standards Agency, will be of great assistance. This catalogue offers tips to driving schools to train learner drivers is a must. Every driving school should have a copy of this catalogue. Every approved driving instructor should necessarily keep this catalogue in the vehicle while training learner drivers.
The first and foremost tip is to drive safe. The learner has to be at least 17 years old to qualify for training. Some of the most important instructions to be followed by the learner driver are: the learner driver should possess a valid provisional driver license; obtain insurance to drive the vehicle; meet the vision (eye sight) standards; drive vehicles that display the board L (this is to caution other drivers that this particular car is being driven by a learner).
It is easy to obtain a provisional driver license. All learner drivers should possess a provisional driver license. Only people, who are 17-years-old, will be granted the provisional driver license. A provisional driver license holder should drive a vehicle bearing the board (L) only on the roads. They are not permitted to drive on speedways or motorways.
After obtaining a provisional driving license, contact the nearest approved driving training schools, which employ certified driving instructors with sufficient experience. It is easy to locate such driving training schools since they are registered on the internet and in the yellow pages. They also advertise their services in the neighborhood. After ascertaining the credibility of the driving training school, register yourself for the training session.
There is no fixed training duration for training drivers. It depends on each individual's learning and grasping skills. Ideally, every learner driver should undergo training for not less than 15 hours over two weeks. However some research has found that a total of 50 hours are required for a trainer driver to completely undergo all categories of training to become eligible to drive on freeways.
Once the learner driver completes the training, a test has to be cleared to obtain a driver's license. The test includes both theoretical test and practical test to ascertain the expertise of the driver.
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