Directory submission automated v s manual submissions

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Directory submission automated v s manual submissions

Directory Submission Automated v/s Manual submissions

Directory submission service is a specialized service and not a simple data entry job as most people think.

Search Engine Optimization,seo,directory submission

Directory submission service is a specialized service and not a simple data entry job as most people think. directory submission requires precision knowledge of SEO and the skill level comes into play when a limited space is available for submission. Most unskilled or non-seo submitters tend to crop the latter part of the description if its too long without knowing that most times it hurts the campaign and the entire purpose of directory submission is lost by that very SIMPLE looking crop.

A skilled directory submission service provider will always have 2 sets of the description and anchor ready before he starts submission. This factor is entirely lost while doing an Automated submission. Exactly why one should never try using an Automatic Submission. I believe that manual submissions done precisely t


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