Buying email marketing lists yes or no

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Buying email marketing lists yes or no

Buying Email marketing lists Yes Or No

Now that youve decided to embark on an email campaign, your next task is to build an email marketing list, but where do you get it from? Many people succomb to the pitfall of buying email marketing lists. Dont make the same mistake.

Youve very likely seen the ads that offer you millions of email addresses for a relatively low cost, well if you fall for one of these ads, you will end up labled as a spammer almost as quickly as you send the email. Likely the vast majority of the messages you send will end up in junk boxes, and youll reap zero benefit from your efforts. A good 70% of the addresses you attempt to purchase are, in fact, bogus or have been duplicated and the remaining 30% have not requested to receive your message.

Some people elect to rent lists from varying submission services, but this can end up costing anywhere from 20 to 30 cents per email. What do you do? Use t


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