Simple home remedies for gout sufferers

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Simple home remedies for gout sufferers

Simple home remedies for gout Sufferers

Gout is a common disorder that affects mainly men, and recent research suggests gout disease is on the increase! This article provides some simple home remedies, grounded in scientific principles, that may help alleviate symptoms or even prevent gout attacks.

Gout, Gout Diet, Food Gout, Uric Acid, Purines, Food

Most people have heard of gout, but I suspect many don't know what it really is. Simply put, gout is a disease caused by excessive levels of uric acid in the blood-stream (hyperuricemia). Not everyone who has high levels of this acid their blood develops gout disease, but it does seem most do. Specifically, gout occurs when uric-acid crystals form around body joints like knees, fingers, elbows and especially big toes - in fact, for the vast majority of gout sufferers, the first sign of the disease is big toe pain! After salt-like crystals form, inflammation, tenderness, and even a reddish rash may occur around affected joints.

The disease has been noted and documented since the time of Hippocrates. Traditionally, it's been associated with exuberant living - eating and drinking well. And there is some indirect evidence to support this. For example, a long-term study noted that heavy consumers of meat and sea food were much more likely to develop gout. Additionally, significant alcohol consumption, especia


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