Atherosclerosis symptoms causes prevention and treatment

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Atherosclerosis symptoms causes prevention and treatment

Atherosclerosis Symptoms, Causes, prevention and Treatment

Atherosclerosis gives thickening and hardening of the blood vessels leading blood out to the body, and will thus reduce or stop blood flow to important tissue. Here is a survey of the mechanisms of this lifestyle disease, prevention measures and treatments.


By atherosclerosis the inside of the arteries are thickened, hardened and stiffened, causing the space for blood flow to be narrowed or closed. This will decrease the oxygen supply to local or distant tissues.

The primary symptom of this is pain, poor organ function and bad general condition. The further consequences are tissue damage, sometimes acute damage because by stop of blood flow caused by a sudden blood clot formed in the narrowed areas.


The inner walls of the arteries consist of an innermost layer of endothelial cells (surface cells) and under these a layer of smooth muscle cells. The changes by atherosclerosis take place under the endothelial cells and in this muscle layer. The changes consist of: A certain degree of cell proliferation or tumour, gathering of cholesterol and fat. Deposition of calcium salts. Deposition of blood elements like fibrin.

The deposits are called atherosclerotic plaque or atheroma. Atherosclerosis is one of several ty


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