Don t be afraid to be original

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Don t be afraid to be original

Don't Be Afraid To Be Original

By now, you have heard of article marketing and how it can benefit your online business. If you are not familiar with article marketing, you should be! article marketing can build traffic for a new business, breath life into a stale business and help establish a fledgling author as an expert in the topic field. Do a search on article marketing and you will find what you have been missing.

As a business owner I'm sure you have had the thought, "What can I write about my bus...

Article Marketing,Start a Business from Home

By now, you have heard of article marketing and how it can benefit your online business. If you are not familiar with article marketing, you should be! article marketing can build traffic for a new business, breath life into a stale business and help establish a fledgling author as an expert in the topic field. Do a search on article marketing and you will find what you have been missing.

As a business owner I'm sure you have had the thought, "What can I write about my business?" or "I can't write, what can I do?" I've been there and apparently a lot of other business owners have been as well, just do a search on free articles and you will find a plethora of articles available for the taking to add to your web site. Feel free to use free articles, but be sure to use them for their intended purpose ; to inform and to add related content to your site. Free articles have already been written by some one else and the author would be quite upset if you took a free article and called it your own; not to mention that is illegal.

There are a host of "Ghost Writers" available for your use. A ghost writer is someone you hire to write an article for you that allows you to add your information as the author. It's like in high school when the jock would pay the brain to write his English paper for him; essentially you become the jock. Ghost writers vary in price, but can be found for a reasonable price, but remember, you get what you pay for.

You can also consider using PLR (Private Label Rights) articles. PLR articles are simply articles that you buy the ownership rights to and can re-publish the articles as your own. PLR article are usually distributed over and over again and unless you re-write the article somewhat. Most if not all article directories check a newly submitted article against their existing database for duplicate content. The new article gets rejected if it is a dupe, so guess what, if you buy PLR article that have been around the web, you'll have a hard time submitting them as you own.

Which, finally brings me to the point of this article; be original. Try writing a few articles of your own about your business. Once you have written a few, you will quickly find no one can write about your business like you can. If you are starting a business from home or even if you have been around the block a few times, you are now quite familiar with your business and your competition. You also have an idea of how you are different from the other sites out there like yours. If your site is unique, you have a perfect opportunity to tell the world about your business.

Writing articles seems like a daunting task; but after writing a few articles, you will find writing more isn't so hard. As you go through your day and think about different ideas for your business, write the idea down on a notepad. Later, when you have a few minutes you can expound on your idea, in writing, and voila you have a new idea for your business and a new article to publish. Try it a few times and you will soon see, writing your own original articles can be fun and profitable.


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