Don t check your brain at the border

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Don t check your brain at the border

Don't Check Your Brain at the Border

Be careful when looking to purchase real estate out of the country.

retirement living, living out of the country, financial planning, foreign real estate, foreign investment

I always believed in the maxim, diversify your investments. So during our working careers my wife and I used to buy real estate, especially south of the border.

When it came time to retire, we chose to live at least half the year on the shores of Lake Chapala, Mexico. Lake Chapala is at almost the same elevation as Denver, Colorado, but rarely gets as cold. There is a brief mild winter, but most houses are neither heated or air conditioned.

Because of the ideal weather and prices which are still less costly than in the United States, this has become a popular retirement community with people from around the world, but especially the USA and Canada. Ex-patriots in Mexico number in the hundreds of thousands.

As the baby boomer generation ages, this and other places like Roatan Island in Honduras, Costa Rica, the coasts of Mexico and, of course, most of the Caribbean will become more popular and more expensive - with retirees.

These are ideal retirement locations and I dont mean to discourage anyone


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