Don t fall for the latest internet identity theft scam

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Don t fall for the latest internet identity theft scam

Don't Fall For The Latest Internet Identity Theft Scam


Q: I use PayPal to accept credit cards for my online collectibles business. I recently received an email that my PayPal account was going to expire in five days if I didn't click a link in the email and give them my PayPal account information. Being naturally paranoid I decided not to give this information and I'm happy to say that my PayPal account did not expire. Was this a scam?
-- Brenda A.

A: Be thankful that your paranoia kicked in, Brenda, because you were about to...

Small Business , a knowledge crime

Q: I use PayPal to accept credit cards for my online collectibles business. I recently received an email that my PayPal account was going to expire in five days if I didn't click a link in the email and give them my PayPal account information. Being naturally paranoid I decided not to give this information and I'm happy to say that my PayPal account did not expire. Was this a scam?
-- Brenda A.

A: Be thankful that your paranoia kicked in, Brenda, because you were about to fall victim to the scam of the week, this one aimed at the 35 million merchants and individuals who use as their online payment processor.

The email you received was not from PayPal, but from an Internet bad guy behind a forged email address using the domain. You should understand that no reputable online company will ever ask you to provide your account information. Think about it. They already have this information. Why would they ask you to provide it.

Since I use


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