For better muscular gains use intensity cycling

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For better muscular gains use intensity cycling

For Better Muscular Gains, Use Intensity Cycling

When you exercise with resistance and progress by adding small amounts of weight each week to each exercise, you will soon reach a point of overtraining. Well this plateau not only can be overcome, it can be shattered!

exercise, weights

Over the years, there have been countless numbers of people getting exercise with the use of weights and weight machines in an effort to increase strength and muscle size. They know that training with resistance is the only way to accomplish this goal.

All too often however, after a certain period of time, their progress seems to come to a halt. Suddenly they find that they cant add any more weight to their exercises, even by 1 or 2 pounds without their repetitions going down.

Often when this plateau is reached, it is just assumed that they have reached their maximum ability in strength and from there on out they perpetually continue to do the same exercise routines using the same weights and the same amount of repetitions.

Well this plateau not only can be overcome, it can be shattered! The first step is to understand why this plateau occurs. When you exercise with resistance and progress by adding small amounts of weight each week to each exercise, at some point (usually between 3 to 6 weeks), you


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