Learn to draw caricatures

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Learn to draw caricatures

Learn To Draw Caricatures

Caricatures are one of the most popular forms of drawing. If you think this style of drawing is relatively new, it is not. This style of drawing has existed for ages already. In fact, even Leonardi Da Vinci used it! So, if you want to learn to draw caricatures, here are the basics that you need to know.

Getting Started

These are basically portraits that distort or exaggerate a person or things essence. This is done to create a very easy and identifiable visual likeness or description of a subject by the use of exaggeration and oversimplification of various characteristics. These could be complimentary, insulting or both. It can also have an intense political purpose or simply be drawn for mere entertainment. Having said the general definition of caricatures, one thing is evident here: it is a very personalized form of art.

A Higher Sense Of Observation

Since it is personalized to a very high extent, you shou


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