Learn to draw cars

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Learn to draw cars

Learn To Draw Cars

Cars could be a really cool subject to draw, especially if you love racing and other sports related to it. Nevertheless, may you be a car fan or not, cars are definitely one good subject to draw. This is because they can be seen anywhere and they could stand still for days and not even move giving you more time to draw its main essence. Here are the essentials if you want to learn to draw cars.

Be Familiarized

To start you should first get some exposure to different kinds of cars. Try to look at different pictures of cool cars. Study their shapes along with the shape of their spoilers. Other than shape take note of their colors and graphics. Try to study how extras features work, like butterfly doors and spoilers. Doing this can greatly help you visualize the way and orientation of how you should draw them on different positions.

Get A Model

You should get a model. You can get a book with car pictures, have a real c


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