Learn to draw a rose

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Learn to draw a rose

Learn To Draw A Rose

Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers. However, they are also one of the most difficult to draw because of its complex design. Nevertheless, being able to draw them is considered to be quite an achievement. So, here are the basics if you want to learn to draw a rose.


You would need: soft pastels, Conte crayon or charcoal; drawing paper; knead eraser; dry towel and damp washcloth for cleaning hands; and cotton swab to be used for blending.


You should understand that if you want your drawing to be in color, you should practice drawing it on black and white first. It is important that you master it in black and white. This is because the values or how light and dark areas are, are way vital than which colors you want to use. Y

It is possible for you to draw it in yellow or red with green leaves. You can also make it fancy such as pink and orange, or go whimsical and make a blue rose and purple


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