Learn to draw sailor moon

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Learn to draw sailor moon

Learn To Draw Sailor Moon

If you do not know who Sailor Moon is, she is the main character of a popular manga series that has the same name. It was first published in 1991 and was made by Naoko Takeuchi. Ever since it first came out, this manga got a lot of reissues, got spun off to various storylines, got translated to English and later on became an anime. If you want to learn to draw Sailor Moon, its best that you study various pictures of her. Get to know the different aspects of her personality as you view different illustrations of her.


There are a couple of materials that youd need before you can start drawing. First, you have to get some Sailor Moon manga issues. Get one from Anime bookstores or even your local bookstores children sections. Get some pencils. Also, it would be better if you have inking pens. Best, if you have different colors. Lastly, you should have paper.

Get Acquainted: Meet Sailor Moon

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