Learn to paint like a child

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Learn to paint like a child

Learn To Paint Like A Child

There is that small child in all of us an artist inside that holds a perception of the world as expressed by our feelings and thoughts. It differs from everyone else; it is unique.


All children love to draw or paint. It matters little whether the result is an exact copy of reality because at that very moment reality is in the mind of the artist. As they draw they are creators and each will stand back to admire what they have accomplished. It is not their desire to become an artist, they are there already!

There is that small child in all of us an artist inside that holds a perception of the world as expressed by our feelings and thoughts. It differs from everyone else; it is unique. But during the years of maturity we became self-conscious about our abilities. Unfortunately, we might have been criticized and decided that our talents lay somewhere else. Because it was met with some form of disapproval, we stopped being so free with our expressions.

Picasso once said, All of my life I have been learning to paint like a child. Did he succeed? I think he did, because he never let go of his child-like images. He was the master of innocence. Today his artworks are pricele


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