Weight loss and the theory of constraints

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Weight loss and the theory of constraints

Weight Loss And The Theory Of Constraints

It's always been fascinating to me how business, finance and weight loss parallel one another.

Take a personal bank account for instance. If you add more to it than you take out of it, your account will grow bigger and bigger. The same is true with your body. If you put more into it through eating than you take out of it through activity it will grow bigger and bigger. That's a simple truth isn't it?

What about a business? If a business owner doesn't watch his busines...



It's always been fascinating to me how business, finance and weight loss parallel one another.

Take a personal bank account for instance. If you add more to it than you take out of it, your account will grow bigger and bigger. The same is true with your body. If you put more into it through eating than you take out of it through activity it will grow bigger and bigger. That's a simple truth isn't it?

What about a business? If a business owner doesn't watch his business on a daily basis and take action when necessary his business will most probably fail. The same is true with a weight loss program. If it's not monitored on a daily basis and action taken when necessary it will fail. Most businesses fail. So do most weight loss programs. That's a simple truth also.

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