Computer games in the child s life

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Computer games in the child s life

Computer Games in the Childs Life

Computer games are very popular among youngsters and even grown-ups. This article is about the influence of computer games on a person, both good and bad. The reality of the virtual world is revealed in this article.

justice, psychologists

Computer games have a large army of opponents who is never tired of blaming the gaming industry with all the mortal sins. I cannot say that I do support them and their accusations. Surely they are not groundless. But I want to find out: are games the only ones to blame? Do you remember the winter tragedy of 1997 in provincial American town of Paducah? On a bright winter morning of the first of December, a 14 year-old Michael Carneals took six guns to school with him. After that he hid in the trees and waited till school prayer ended. When the pupils started going out from the chapel he fired rapidly and killed three schoolchildren and another five were seriously wounded. The journalists informed the whole world of the tragedy without any delay. I consider it to be the first mistake. Why? Some people may think: Why cant I try such a trick myself and become known all over the world? Believe me, there are enough people who would think just like that. Media should not provoke their ill imagination


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