Direct sales is changing why you should get involved

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Direct sales is changing why you should get involved

Direct Sales Is Changing -- Why You Should Get Involved

Direct Sales used to mean trying to talk your friends and relatives into joining the business. There were all kinds of tricks and strategies you were supposed to use to get prospects to come to your home for a meeting, spend time with you on the phone, or read your faxes and mailed sales letters.

Pretty soon a lot of the people you knew would start avoiding you. They weren't interested in the business and didn't like being pressured to join.

Not only that, but you had t...

direct sales,mlm,home business,pas

Direct Sales used to mean trying to talk your friends and relatives into joining the business. There were all kinds of tricks and strategies you were supposed to use to get prospects to come to your home for a meeting, spend time with you on the phone, or read your faxes and mailed sales letters.

Pretty soon a lot of the people you knew would start avoiding you. They weren't interested in the business and didn't like being pressured to join.

Not only that, but you had to purchase all the marketing materials from the Direct Sales company. The cost of brochures, mailers, slick sales letters, envelopes, stamps, and endless long distance phone calls really added up.

And remember the piles of product you had to store in your garage? How many people reading this still have an unused box of supplements that's been sitting in the basement for years?

If that's your view of Direct Sales, you should take a fresh look. The industry is changing very


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