Disability human rights and social responsibility by dr shanker adawal

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Disability human rights and social responsibility by dr shanker adawal

Disability: Human Rights and Social Responsibility : By Dr Shanker Adawal


As the World observes Disabilities Day on 3rdDecember, we would like to remind the world community that over 600 million people, or approximately 10 per cent of the worlds population, have a disability of one form or another. Over two thirds of them live in developing countries. Only 2 per cent of disabled children in the developing world receive any education or rehabilitation. The link between disability and poverty and social exclusion is direct and strong throughout the world.

Dr Shanker Adawal

India is not far behind as the statistics shows it has over 90 million disabled persons, barely one percent of whom are employed.

The disability rights debate is not so much about the enjoyment of specific rights as it is about ensuring the equal effective enjoyment of all human rights, without discrimination, by people with disabilities. The non-discrimination principle helps make human rights in general relevant in the specific context of disability. Non-discrimination, and the equal effective enjoyment of all human rights by people with disabilities, is long-overdue reform in the way disability and the disabled are viewed throughout the world. The process of ensuring that people with disabilities enjoy their human rights is slow and uneven. But the good thing is it has started taking place, in all economic and social
systems. It is inspired by the values that underpin human rights: the inestimable dignity of each and every human being, the concept of autonomy or self-determination that demands that th


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