Online health hoaxes a prescription for trouble

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Online health hoaxes a prescription for trouble

Online Health Hoaxes-A Prescription For Trouble

Although the content of many web sites is credible, sometimes there are exceptions.

Online Health Hoaxes-A Prescription For Trouble

lthough the content of many web sites is credible, sometimes there are exceptions.

That's because the content posted on the Internet may not be regulated for accuracy. Unfortunately, some web sites can actually be a source of misinformation.

According to registered dietitian Diane Quagliani: "Be sure to check the credibility of any source when it comes to health and nutrition information-especially when it comes to the Web. Acting on misinformation may result in detrimental health consequences."

For example, alarming and unfounded e-mail hoaxes-often called "urban legends"-circulate widely to "warn" people about particular health perils. They include bananas carrying flesh-eating bacteria, cancer-causing antiperspirants and chewing gums infested with spider eggs.

Here are some tips for spotting hoaxes and identifying science-based sourc


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