Online property management

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Online property management

Online Property Management

When comparing online property management software solutions, you discover two basic principles fairly quickly: all of them can take a rent payment, and all of them have branched off in different directions.

real estate, property, management

When comparing online property management software solutions, you discover two basic principles fairly quickly: all of them can take a rent payment, and all of them have branched off in different directions. All of them are trying to guess what it is that you, the property manager, would probably want to do along with taking a payment. It is not necessarily my design to discuss all of these directions, but rather to consider a couple of the innovative things that one online property management software, Resident Map, has considered in defining itself as an innovative leader in the property management industry.

     The Resident Map
     The first innovation is a patent-pending technology that Resident Map is introducing. It is the ability to view and manage your community from a map of the community itself. Mobile home parks, apartment buildings, storage units, multi-user storefron


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