Online shopping boom

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Online shopping boom

Online shopping boom

Internet marketing growth continues as online retail sales grew again in 2005, bringing new demands for specialised internet marketing techniques and opportunities for niche websites

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The expansion of the online retail market is evident again this week as figures for 2005 were released. UK consumers bought 8.2bn ($14.3bn) of goods from websites last year a 28.9% increase in internet marketing over 2004, according to market analysts Verdict. In cash terms that means shoppers spent an extra 1.8bn online in 2005.

Verdict says the figures show internet shopping is closing in on the 9.4bn spent in department stores in 2005. Its retail analyst, Nick Gladding, said online shopping was now a "formidable competitor" to the High Street as it allowed people to do the work from home, searching the web for the best value and service.

A quarter of all UK buyers now shop on the internet, for goods and services, as the online shopping community grew by 25.5% to 14.6 million people between 2004 and 2005. The surge in "e-retail" means online shopping is now winning its biggest-ever slice of the UK retail market. Overall UK retail sales grew by just 1.5% in 2005 - the slo


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