Online shopping sharing your finds with friends

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Online shopping sharing your finds with friends

Online Shopping Sharing Your Finds With Friends

You just have to love Americans. We are talkative, sharing, boisterous, assistance orientated, outgoing, and a whole melting pot of comradely. We Email, text, blog, network, video, journal, write, visit and socialize ourselves to death. We share every experience be it personal, private public or otherwise. We find time to spend billions of dollars annually out there getting the best deals possible on thousands of Internet shopping portals. So, should it be of any surprise whe...

style feeder,social networking, virtual networks

You just have to love Americans. We are talkative, sharing, boisterous, assistance orientated, outgoing, and a whole melting pot of comradely. We Email, text, blog, network, video, journal, write, visit and socialize ourselves to death. We share every experience be it personal, private public or otherwise. We find time to spend billions of dollars annually out there getting the best deals possible on thousands of Internet shopping portals. So, should it be of any surprise when someone comes along to give us yet another method to keep in touch and share our best deals?

Someone came along and added to the best way to shop online just because we are such a social society. They added a way to shop and share online with our friends. Thats right, StyleFeeder launched an online personal shopper that they feel is the ultimate best way to go shopping online with friends when you cant do it together at the brick and mortar stores. There is now software available in beta at that is a highly interactive, smart shopping assistant that brings the social aspect of the in-store shopping experience to your personal computer.

The site combines unlimited shopping choices and an ability to connect live and on the spot with friends, fashion mavens and all other users. What this means is shopping friends can now have, get and share trusted advice for each other to make their best purchase decisions. Not only that, this personal entourage travels with shoppers across the web giving each person the ability to share their favorite online sites.

This program is just like hitting the storefronts with friends you cant physically be together with during a shopping frenzy. Maybe you are all in different locations separated by time, distance or even latitudes but, you can still have the trusted interactivity to consult among the group about a big purchase about to be made. Thats right, the program has a built in chat feature that eliminates broken web links, lost or overlooked text messages and endless Email exchanges.

The program has its own database that searches a broad range of products spread out all over the Web its almost like having ones own personal boutique store filled with a customized choice of things an individual is guaranteed to love. Maybe you fashion sense (among friends) is considered out there, you know, unique but, youre looking to get inspired by someone else that shares your freak flag. You can set up an exchange of opinions by clicking on the function Style Twins. You can match up with your inner circle or even with other style feeders from around the globe that actually have similar tastes. You can share between the clan what each has discovered and get ideas for the next purchase.

This program functionality allows you to store your favorite product choices, wish-list items and even gift ideas. It allows you to keep track of your personal web shopping activities. The home site allows everyone (with their simple to follow instructions) to incorporate the personal shopper sidebar onto their Web browser. Once installed, a person can access the program at any time they feel the need to contact a shopping companion by clicking on the PS icon.

Even celebrities use this program to share their personal tastes with fans. I cant promise you that Elvis is out there but if someone with similar tastes is, you can add them to your tracking abilities by one click of the Add to your Watchlist function. It is literally a great way to tell each other about new or favorite products across a wide range of social and viral networks. The program connects shopping comrades and products to the ones we love and trust while sharing tastes and interests. So check it out and add the function of 24 hour social networking onto your computer, blog, newsletter or webpage.


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