Online stock trading is it here to stay

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Online stock trading is it here to stay

Online Stock Trading, Is It Here To Stay?

Trading stocks on the internet is a relatively new thing for most people but it wont be for long. The only reason that it is new in the first place is that the internet is new relatively speaking. In 1999 a little under 3 million people traded over the internet, now online stock trading has ballooned with more than 10 times that number of people trading daily.

So why have people begun to do this? Why is it so popular? Well there are several reasons and some are good and s...

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Trading stocks on the internet is a relatively new thing for most people but it wont be for long. The only reason that it is new in the first place is that the internet is new relatively speaking. In 1999 a little under 3 million people traded over the internet, now online stock trading has ballooned with more than 10 times that number of people trading daily.

So why have people begun to do this? Why is it so popular? Well there are several reasons and some are good and some are not as sound when you think critically. The most popular reason cited for online stock trading is that they no longer have to forfeit some of their earnings to brokers in fees charged per trade. This doesnt get them out of being charged fees per trade but it does cost a lot less to do it yourself with one of the dozens of day trading companies that there are available on the internet.

People are often trying to get away from brokers all together for more than just the fees they charged. Many people are fed up with brokers who d


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