Don t fear heart disease. take your vitamins

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Don t fear heart disease. take your vitamins

Don't Fear Heart Disease. Take Your Vitamins!

Heart disease kills many people every year. One of the risk factors for heart disease is high cholesterol.

nutrition, multi vitamins

Heart disease kills many people every year. One of the risk factors for heart disease is high cholesterol. If you are diagnosed with heart disease, your doctor will undoubtedly prescribe a cholesterol-lowering drug and request that you follow a diet low in cholesterol. Vitamin E naturally keeps cholesterol at a healthy level by limiting the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol that enters the bloodstream. While there are discrepancies in the reports, many studies indicate that it takes as much as 100 milligrams or more of vitamin E for people to experience the benefits. Eating foods, such as eggs, fish, and whole-grain cereals can contribute to the recommended amount. However, you will still need to supplement your diet with vitamins to reach the benefit amount. The good news about vitamin E and heart disease is that vitamin E is not only a preventive measure, but it also can benefit individuals who already have heart disease


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