Following stock tips

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Following stock tips

Following Stock Tips

When everyone you are around is chatting about the hottest stocks, it can be hard to resist investing in that stock. Maybe your colleague doubled his money in some interesting new medial stock. Possibly your newspaper is promoting a specific company as the next big deal. Perhaps you read it in a financial newsletter. No matter where your stock tip came from, invest your money right on the spot can all too easily have a negative consequence.

Investing in the stock tips you receive is almost always generally a very bad idea, for a variety of reasons. The first reason is quite simple; most hot stocks became hot simply because folks like an idea of a company. However, financial viability and likeability are extremely different from each other. If a company cannot come up with a business plan that is sound, then it will likely not be very profitable in the end, it does not matter how many people invest into their company. One prime example of this is the internet technology that surfaced in the 90s, it wa


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