For a good workout try the medicine ball

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For a good workout try the medicine ball

For a Good Workout, Try the Medicine Ball

There is virtually no other equipment in the gym or at home that can provide the versatility of the medicine ball.

workout, exercise

When most people think of a medicine ball, they usually get a mental picture of the old, tattered and torn brown leather weighted ball sitting in the corner of an old school iron pumping gym. They also see these balls as being a very outdated method of working out. When was the last time youve seen anyone use one of those or even heard anyone talk about them? With all the modern exercise machines and other various equipment available today, what possible reason could there be to make anyone want to include the medicine ball as part of their workout?

First of all, the medicine ball has come a long way from the old leather ones mentioned earlier. They now come in a vast array of colors and are made with rubber surfaces making them easier to grip. They also come in weights ranging from one to fifty pounds so you can vary resistance to suit your needs. Because they bounce and can be tossed around, they are great for working you with random movements instead of the fixed ones that come with barbell, dumbbell


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